Rock Underground Saves Time and Manpower with Vac-Tron Vacuum Excavator

Rock Underground, located in the city of Greenfield, MN, is an expert in utility work and exclusively uses Vac-Tron units for locating underground utilities.  “All we run is Vac-Tron, every crew we have runs a Vac-Tron model,” says Adam Rock, Founder of Rock Underground.

Project Descriptions

Potholing and locating underground utilities safely and efficiently. 


Vac-Tron’s LP 873 SDT vacuum excavator. Vacuum excavation is the best method of identifying the location and accurate depth of a utility. “Being in the utility business we have to pothole utilities all the time; whether it’s a gas line, fiber optic, telephone cable, we use a Vac-Tron vacuum excavator 90% of the time to verify utilities so we don’t hit them,” says Rock.

The low-profile trailers are hand built at the factory in Florida from the ground up keeping the components of the unit easily accessible while making the unit safe to tow and a much smoother ride. It also provides the best ground clearance in the industry for right of way maneuverability.

The LP SDT series is the top selling High CFM Diesel trailer for Vac-Tron. It includes a Yanmar 49 hp Tier 4 final diesel engine with 1,000 CFM vacuum blower for both wet/dry applications.

Rock said “I chose high CFM obviously for the capability of what it can do sucking up the dirt. Everybody can buy the water pressure, everybody can buy the blower, but the technology of the unit itself, the trailer setup, and the power it has, is why we choose Vac-Tron.”


  • Accurately and safely verifying underground utilities
  • Productivity increase
  • Efficiency with time and money
  • Being able to clean other equipment
  • Many other uses and applications…

With Vac-Tron vacuum excavators, companies have an alternative to hand digging and a safer way to expose utilities with both hydro and air excavation. “So, you take five guys on a jobsite and shovel all day, if something is 5 ft deep, it can take an hour to find one utility. With a Vac-Tron you can find it in 2 minutes and there you go, you don’t need 5 guys on one job, you can take 3 guys and a Vac-Tron and run a whole jobsite out in an hour versus a 4-hour day, so it’s more efficient. There are other benefits of using it too; you can clean the machines, wash off other equipment, we even use it for pulling mule string through existing pipes, little things like that that you don’t think you could use it for, but you can. I’ve owned Ditch Witch, Ring O Matic, McLaughlin and now we have 3 Vac-Tron in our stock and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. We LOVE the product, obviously that’s why we have converted to only Vac-Trons,” says Rock.  

“All we run is Vac-Tron, every crew we have runs a Vac-Tron model,” says Adam Rock, Founder of Rock Underground.

Vac-Tron’s LP (Low Profile) series is the premiere line of industrial vacuums and vacuum excavation equipment. Available with gas or diesel engines and high or low CFM. The LP Series starts with 300-gallon debris tanks and goes up to 1,200-gallon debris tanks. 

Vac-Tron units come standard with the patented (Big Red) CVS filtration system that is unmatched by competitors, a reverse pressure system, and a heavy-duty I-beam trailer with Dexter torsion axles. The low-profile trailers are hand built at the factory in Florida from the ground up keeping the components of the unit easily accessible while making the unit safe to tow and a much smoother ride. It also provides the best ground clearance in the industry for right of way maneuverability. 

For more info or for a FREE Demo visit or call 1-888-VAC-TRON.