Vac-Tron Equipment, LLC, announces the availability of two new truck mounted Vacuum Excavators: the ATV 1830 (air) and HTV 1830 (hydro)

OKAHUMPKA, Fla., Month Day, 2014Action RearThese chassis-mounted excavation systems come fully equipped with an 1800-gallon debris tank, 6″ vacuum hose with full hydraulic boom, wireless remote controls and a 200-horsepower John Deere diesel engine. Other key features include a 2,400 cfm positive displacement vacuum pump, CAT water pump, and a fully hydraulic rear door. The ATV is also standard with a 300 cfm @ 230 psi Vanair air compressor for dry vacuum excavation.

Both the ATV and HTV are completely self-contained skid mounted units that can be mounted on a customer’s chassis or Vac-Tron will provide the completed truck and unit from their factory.For more information: 1-888-VAC-TRON or